Saturday 9 April 2011

Homemade beef jerky dehydrator - What is the best dehydrator for jerky?

Homemade beef jerky can taste great. However, you'll want to buy the best homemade beef jerky dehydrator to ensure your beef jerky ends up tasting great.

CLICK HERE to buy the best homemade beef jerky dehydrator

The Excalibur 3900 homemade beef jerky dehydrator is the best dehydrator for jerky.

The Excalibur has received such positive reviews due to its unique qualities, that separates this beef jerky dehydrator from all other brands.

The Excalibur 3900 has a heavy duty fan and temperature control heating element at the rear of the dehydrator.

This might not sound particularly different from other brands of dehydrators, however, it is.

What happens with other brands of dehydrators
Most other dehydrators have no fan, and the heating element in other brands is at the base of the machine. What this means is that the beef takes a long time to dry and meat drippings fall into the heating element. When this happens, your beef loses it flavor, and your dehydrator can get damaged from the meat dripping on the heating element.

Why the Excalibur 3900 is different
With the Excalibur 3900, the meat is placed horizontally on the trays, it doesn't drip on the heating element, and it doesn't take long to dry due to the heavy duty fan.

You can dry 10-15 pounds of beef on about 8-10 hours with this homemade beef jerky dehydrator. If you place less beef on the trays, it can dry in about 6 hours. Being quick drying means that your beef retains its flavor. The flavor of your beef jerky becomes concentrated.

As the meat drippings don't drip on the heating element, your homemade beef jerky dehydrator will remain clean and undamaged.

Another big advantage of the Excalibur 3900 is that you don't have to rotate trays. The fan and heating element dry your meat evenly. This is a set and forget homemade beef jerky dehydrator.

CLICK HERE to buy the best homemade beef jerky dehydrator

A brief summary of the benefits of the Excalibur 3900:-

  • heavy duty fan and temperature control heating element to give you the best tasting jerky
  • no need to rotate trays
  • meat cooks evenly
  • 9 trays so it gives you tons of space to dry your jerky
  • recipe book so you can experiment with your meat
  • 1 year manufaturers warranty with 10 extended warranty available
  • heavy duty so you can keep it running constantly

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